Info for Parents
Welcome! I am so happy to have your child in my class. We have a very exciting year ahead of us. This website will have important dates listed for you as well as any upcoming information you may need to know. Please be sure to check in often to stay up-to-date on what's happening in class!
Family conferences are coming up at the end of October. Please sign up for your conference here.
***There may be times during the year when our class watches curriculum related movies rated PG. If you would not like your child to participate, please let me know!
Important Dates:
Monday, October 8-Tuesday, October 9: No School, Fall Break
Week of October 22: Family Conferences
Friday, October 26: No School for students, Family conferences and Professional Development for Teachers
Language Arts:
We are working on our first unit of Skills in which we are focusing on several sound-spellings to improve our decoding and reading skills. In Listening and Learning we are learning about Ancient Asia. We will be wrapping up the unit with a big writing project before moving on to Ancient Greece.
In math we are working on comparing numbers up to 20, adding and subtracting up to 20, and determining whether numbers are even and odd. We have some fun math work places to help us practice our skills.